
How petty...stop going to kwik trip or eating palermos too.

Everyone who wasnt born here is illegal...do you have proof of the chain migration?  Funny how the term illegal immigrant is a dirty word unless it describes a conservative women

I remember hearing the same thing about bush twins after president obama was elected. Everyone has an axe to grind but please show respect to the position. Referring to them as trash is meek

That whole paragraph could of described bill clinton or jfk.  They are all corrupt...both sides

You do understand that Republicans try to find ways to get people off welfare instead of keeping them on it right?

I got that deal...was like Christmas.  Still one of my fav games all time

Anyone else find it ironic that a guy who defended harvey weinstein is playing a guy accused of sexual assault?

Then wouldnt it be accurate to do an over the top corey booker where he gropes a girl?

Maybe after 8 years people just wanted a change.  Whether you are left or right 8 years of one type of agenda gets stale.

And wisconsin which was a blue state since after reagan

Considering your post...i think you use the term intelligence too loosely.  And considering your vulgar outburst im guessing you arent that educated.


Omg...vfrs. sounded like weed whackers

R Kelly agrees with you

This is as exciting as Obama and the reverend Jeremiah Wright before the 08 election. It’s a nothing burger. You guys need to move on