
A lot of little productivity-boosting features made me upgrade to Win 7 early on.

@cturcotte82: The plan as I understand it is: no more moon just one deep space mission to an asteroid then Mars.

@Ikthog22: The pro-apple posts from a few months ago still outweigh the amount of negative posts.

Someone send that man a proper microphone.

Pennsylvanian's can't have it so bad.

@captainhampton: Damn! I've gotten that phrase wrong my whole life up until this moment.

@weirdalfan27: I think it's okay, just barebones. Better for browsing at a distance.

@benjgvps: My dad used to struggle with screenshots, then I showed him the clipping tool when I installed Win7. Fixed that issue.

@GhostAmongMen: At my last job I was assigned the task of redesigning the city guide given to our clients, it looked horrible, it was done in Word circa 1998.

@deverbative: It's really just from experience. Response rate is slow (I assume they're mobile a lot) and it takes them forever to implement what I need.

I send a minimum of about 30 cold emails a day.

@Busche1427: That's the problem with digital holes.

@J. Nadeau: Same. I still get tons of use out've my first gen ipod touch, why upgrade?

@TerryinSt.Paul: That's the problem with all these small light HD cameras, it's harder then it used to be to shoot steady.

@DoubtedBeef: Surprising people do click on ads. I've seen a lot of older people do it. It's still big business on the net.

@bleuiko!: I bought one expecting to save money in the long run since I won't have to upgrade for a while.

Just bought a new system recently since the old one was so poorly designed I couldn't upgrade properly.

@FigNinja: I also use that for creating epub files, but I don't like adding documents to my library every time I want to convert something.