If you know how to write, consider doing online copy-writing for some scratch.
If you know how to write, consider doing online copy-writing for some scratch.
Wow, I'm a link-builder, so they don't get much handier then his.
Darkroom must be mentioned as a great netbook writing app!
My friend-base is often completely different by the time I'm looking to get a new email.
Wow, what took so long making this site?
I think there's a bias towards laptops by a lot of editors & writers, for them, laptops make sense and seem to be everywhere they go.
I understand if it's something hard to find, or for a friend to play in his DVD player.
There's no way I'm carrying around 2 terabytes
Vote: Handbrake
I'd download it, but then I'd have four Notepad replacements.
Knives Vs Cops
VOTE: ffmpeg
I love! that steampunk style pic, where's it from?
Despite its questionable usefulness, this app deserves an award for simplistic practicality.
This is Huge!
I tend to favor organizing my video and photo files through Windows Explorer. Using third-party software for something that could be handled by hand seems like a waste of system resources.
Took up Boxing
I sold my iPod touch at a 100$ loss a week after I bought it.
Media Player: VLC Player & Media Player Classic