Enjoy Kotaku
Enjoy Kotaku
"online interactions are not reated"
I'm glad to see a powerful womyn exhibit dominance over her life instead of being chained down by a man. Also, you are lazy for not even making an effort for your family. In fact, being the sole guardian of your kids for the majority of the day is a detriment to them. A child raised solely by a man is 50% more…
Another fine example of typical male behavior.
It's been statistically proven that most males exhibit the psychological need to establish dominance over another human being through abuse or rape culture. This happens in your "normal" patriarchal marriage when the man "owns" the female for the rest of her life. There's also the fact that only men actively…
I'm serious.
That's because only when the male is the aggressor can it be considered abuse. Males have throughout history abused and threatened the opposite gender.
>Plays Fighting game
"A Minecraft-esque voxel-based multiplayer shooter featuring block-based building,"
I've noticed a bunch. I've had pieces of geometry like cars be viewable when they're on the outskirts of my vision but when I look directly at them they'll disappear.
If I can play it on an HDTV then it's in HD.
My NES plays just fine on my HDTV.
I'm a born again Christian so for me it's YOLT.
"Cloud Processing" is snake-oil. I highly doubt that any cloud processing will really come to fruition.
I thought this page was gonna be about Square's "SQ Battle" album which is dubstep/EDM remixes of Square battle songs
It probably just means he got it off a torrent.
Shoulda used Truecrypt
Buddy, I'm not the one talking about the necessity or lack there of of a bra on a page ranking Fallout games.
HAHHA, have you been professionally diagnosed? You should get seriously get that checked out.