That's the Sonic '06 Loading Screen.
That's the Sonic '06 Loading Screen.
Yeah, just ignore all the gas canisters in the fire. Moron.
As an owner of a Radeon card they are awesome. If money were not an object however I would have bought Nvidia. It's a shame that Nvidia overprices there cards so much compared to the competition.
I think them pricing a game that people want more for it just because it's in high demand sets a bad precedent. There is absolutely no reason why this game should cost more.
I realize there's a high demand but really, why are they charging more?
The Cowboy Bebop BDs are actually pretty good. Can actually read thinkgs like computer text which was unreadable in the broadcast / DVD release.
Right, but the comment system allows some posts to be fully viewable with no review whereas other users get grayed out on every comment they post no matter what they write. I just wish Kotaku would come out and talk about how this system works and why it works this way.
The worst part is that we won't get a fansub or rip till the BD is released and who knows when that's gonna be.
"You could go to the mall, or hang out with a friend, or go buy some weapons, or go eat some ramen. You can only choose one"
Nothing. FC3 is one of my favorite games of this generation.
Because if I wanted to write stuff that only I could read I'd get a diary. This is supposed to be a discussion board.
But it's not even about the community. The thing that decides whether you're comment is seen or not appears completely arbitrary. That's what I'm complaining about.
Wait, we're not being paid to comment here!? They kept telling me my paycheck was in the mail.
It's not a status. It's just like why bother commenting if the site actively prevents other from seeing what your wrote? This is for commenting and discussion, not a diary. Also, I agree, everything apart from the this one issue is absolutely top-notch.
I get recommendations notifications all the time, I've probably gotten close to 200. It's just weird that the last 10 comments I've posted have all 100% been hidden.
Why is it that every comment I write shows up grayed out and below the viewing threshold?
Since no proof exist there's just as much proof to support both of our claims.
" I think we need proof that this was ripped by himself and he is somehow using a legal boot rom."
He might be running his own personally dumped ROM via Project 64 (Most Popular N64 Emulator). Project 64 has a texture swap function where you can create a folder full of images that you can designate to used instead of textures found in the game. Replacing a Goomba's texture with a picture of somebodies head is…