
The issue is that what counts as rape often times will not hold up in court. You may not have identified what happened to you as rape but so many women come away from situations like this feeling completely violated and raped. It’s such a difficult situation and I think that if the parties involved only knew how to

Exactly. I’m also that age, and it was widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, that *was* consent. (Though even then, I think a lot of us would have said bringing his friends in crossed the line to rape.)

Yes! That video of Phelps scowling was deemed hilarious but when gabby doesn’t smile on cue it’s not okay?

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

she “[lured] young female Fox employees into one-on-one situations with Ailes

Am I the only one who thought the “glass ceiling” was cheesy? I teared up - but I still thought it was cheesy. Answering my own question: It’s political theater Sybann!!


But what Mr. Trump did, he spoke in a language that all Americans can understand. That is English.

I’m happy for her if she’s happy but this might be a good time to remind people that the WHO recommends 2 years between pregnancies so that a woman’s body can fully recover from child birth.

Also the victimhood angle is pretty silly given the fact she got rich putting out diss tracks about anyone and everyone who crossed her path, made no effort to hide who she was targeting and (I assume) never bothered to ask permission or give warnings. I like Tay but girlfriend, you got played at your own game here.

I feel you. I didn’t have the relentless teasing, but I did have a friend comment one day that my nose “was a little big and could be smaller.” It’s not like I didn’t know that already. I was shocked she didn’t just lie to me and tell me I looked fine, just like friends are supposed to do.

Me when the song started:

“Are these the type of ‘leaders’ you want moving down to the line and leading your sons and daughters, graduates with an agenda?”

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

I'm in one too but people NEVER stop staring long enough for me to forget.

Interracial gay relationshiper here. I forget I’m in an interracial relationship 99% of the time. Am I alone in this? Also, I have a few dozen button-down shirts from Old Navy, for casual workdays. Old Navy has become better than their strict sibling, Banana Republic.

Kris telling Kim, “You were married for 72 days, that was like normal!” is the best thing I have heard all week.

I’mma need Iggy to go back through her timeline...

Lissen up white folks, it is damn near impossible for a minority to do anything to collective hamper your lives. When a term, which most of you didn’t even know before this past weekend, comes out describing a facet of you or your culture, it’s OK not to feel offended (god knows black folks take on the chin whenever

Is that what he calls you, his vanilla lemonade! Level, easy? I’LL SAY, you trollop!