
Trudeau’s wasn’t being politically correct. He genuinely admired Castro which is even more embarrassing.

The Briggs & Stratton purist in me says that a six-wheeled Briggs & Stratton has one too many wheels.

She might be a dual cam, but the engine isn’t...

I switched from Hulu to Amazon Prime for this? I am disappointed so far. Although that Goliath show is pretty good.

Headstand mannequin!


McQueen crashes

Autoplay is always a startling and obnoxious thing when multiple tabs are open. Always takes me a second to find the right one.

Would you give your best friend a ticket if you pulled them over ? The answer is no, and thats a perfectly normal human behavior.

The Corvmarostang. It’s a perfect politician: tries to please everyone, fails on all fronts.

Best security EVAR!

No. More like do exactly what the designers recommend during the break-in period.

I’m no engineer, but I think I have a solution for this problem...

Soooo...Mt St. Helens seems like it should be hot but is actually cold inside?

The before and after is always kind of cool to see:

It was almost down there for a quarter of a Sentra-y.

This has been a public service message from the office of No Fuckin’ Shit Sherlock.

I think if trailer backing > you; then maybe it’s in everyone’s best interest you don’t own a truck/trailer combo.

After you take measurements and tell the truck where that sticker is, the F-150 uses maths so that all you have to do behind the wheel is turn a knob in the direction you want the trailer to go.