
Just for a quick update, the defending Italian champions, who have 1 league point from their first 3 games, have beaten City, current dominators of England, 2-1 in Manchester and the only goal City have scored should’ve been called back for a foul.

He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.

Honestly fuck it let them take over the problem there. Let them waste their money and time. Hell hopefully the terrorists will hate Russia as much as they do us and start taking some of the hate to them. I see that this could be a good idea for us.

Hey, some more hyperbole and misrepresentation of reality from Buzz Killington to look forward to.

I misread that as “Skip Bayless would be a happier dude if he ate some poppies,” and I had an image of Skip Bayless taking a recreational pain killer, taking a deep breath, and then just saying, to no one in particular, “you know what...Tebow really can’t throw the ball, and you need to pass to succeed in the NFL.”

“Climate change denier” is the more correct term.

Taking out the entire building in the background (and killing every occupant inside) would have been less costly.

Better throw your computer out of the window and never use one again. You, and all of us, will be better off.

“Modern cars suck, you can’t work on them!” shade tree mechanics everywhere like to lament.

Cops? That sounds like something a poor person would have to worry about.

lol...fuel economy? Not a high point on this car, I’m betting. But a beautiful ride none the less.

One time I was in my A8 and I saw this guy all dressed up in a suit with sunglasses in his A4 or A6 and I was thinking “that guy looks like such a tool in his lame, entry level Audi”. Then I realized it wasn’t an A4 and it was my reflection in a window.

To the small sliver of BAHSTON STRONG people personally affected by the bombing, my apologies. I suspect you’re not a part of that sliver though, so fuck you.

Except in 1997, it was the intern getting tapped.

Well I guess if you if you think lying and false bravado and sending others of to a B.S. war makes one an adult ....

The article you linked also describes that ALL OF THOSE WEAPONS WERE MADE PRIOR TO 1991, AND WITH THE HELP OF GERMANY AND THE US!

The “weapons” found were 30-40 year old weapons that had seriously degraded and were incapable of being used in an offensive manner. Its like finding a WW2 shell and declaring that we’ve found an active WMD program.

You get to come out of the greys and explain this to me. 5,000 American dead, over 250,000 Iraqi dead, worldwide terrorism spawned by a failed policy to “liberate” people, flat out lies in the UN on chemical weapons, a good patriot (Colin Powell) being used as a stooge.