
Or, put another way: Crimes of sexual violence are the only case where you have to prove a crime was even committed, rather than who committed it.

Crimes of sexual violence are the only crimes where the accuser is guilty of perjury until proven innocent.

So...LiKE 5 COMedY speCialS froM MEN in a MONTH, PlUs a new Sereeeeeeeeies For MALE COMEDIANS. 0 waemen COmdiAnS gEtTiNG ThEIr oWn cOmedy SPeciAls. TRIGGERED

Yep, we were all hoping that October would be the month that women learned how to be funny. There is always November.

Oh man, I thought that Devil pictured above was Tim Curry in ‘Legend’. Such a damn good movie that is NEVER on streaming.

It’s about the right balance for the readers, evidently.

50% here to read about the new beast. 50% here to bitch about Trump.

Forget it man, they are pro-censorship. The sooner we acknowledge that progressives are simply pro-censorship, the better.

Really? I wish the left would exercise one-fifth of the decorum and restraint as the right displayed during Obama’s tenure.

As an added bonus, the Electoral College prevents Coastals from screwing up the country as badly as they’ve screwed up their own states.

How am I afraid of Democracy.  I’m on the side that won by the rules.  You are advocating to change the rules after the fact.  

It very well might be true.

The electoral college is setup so that each state gets a number of votes based on the population of that state. Therefore it can be extrapolated that indeed the majority of Americans wanted Trump to win. Either way the rules have been pretty clear for a long while now so I don’t buy into the whole popular vote

Some wish to fire him. Some will want him to stay on for 4 more years. The people did want him. The election proved that.

I don’t think you understand how this works.

Remember if you are a US citizen, Trump is your president.

The regular bill of rights still works digitally.

It is a completely different process between the different types of batteries.  Others are not as simple to produce and then recycle as are lead acid batteries.

I call shenanigans! Symphony of the Night is not only the best Castlevania game ever made its still one of the best games made overall!

  • Do you understand what ‘underage’ means?

No, slavery goes back 8,000 years, literally to the beginning of civilization