
Do you understand propaganda? Idiot. So who are you rooting for in your little basement padded safe place? Ukraine or Russia?

I watched it today. Every time Cloud and Sephiroth share a scene, I literally get goosebumps. Takes me back to 16yrs old, sneaking in an hour of game time before school.

You DO realize you're a part of the problem? Pundits chalked up his win from being given too much attention. So, you're either here for clicks and cash or you don't know better.

Disney, not Hollywood.

I’m pretty sure Podrick’s secret was his singing voice, I think that was part of the whole everyone coming full circle in that episode. I’d bet money on it.

It’s pretty clear this guy intended to go to jail. Why? Healthcare. Some people get to a certain age with ailments and realize jail isn't such a bad idea; 3 meals and healthcare. His only worry would be dropping the soap but other than that, not a care in the world.

Deadspace 3 kept me on edge more than any other game. I know it gets a lot of flack for not being as good as the other 2 but it was the only one I played. 

Way to redirect.

See, even when there's nothing to do, they find something to do. Our kids are spoiled rotten.

Yeah, cos you never see kids hanging against and looking through fences, ever.

I hope not. That thing is fugly.

Hardcore porn very much exists on Tumblr and although I’ve used it to save gifs of sex acts I’d send to my gf to let her know what’s in store for her (keep the kink alive), there’s really disturbing stuff on there . They just removed the searchable flags that point the way.

You forget, Ricky Gervais is ENGLISH. Totally different set of principles and train of thought. The "N" world is an American taboo.

Isn't it basically a Lexus F-Type?

The way I see it, it’s like having on set of brakes locking while the other set are open. Either way, one end of the car is going to stay in motion.

Literally just bought a 2012 Legacy Limited on black Friday. Looks new, had 79k miles, I love this car.

Saw an RCA 70" for far far less. But it's an RCA.

Saw an RCA 70" for far far less. But it's an RCA.

If it’s over $500, it’s not a real Black Friday deal. Anyone spending over $1500 on a TV could anyways, but you don’t stay rich from wanton spending.

If it’s over $500, it’s not a real Black Friday deal. Anyone spending over $1500 on a TV could anyways, but you

Depends on the trade, worker, boss, company. Up until 2012, the most I ever made in my life was $12.25hr. Come 2014, $14hr start, 4 years later, $19hr. 

Sure is. Do well and succeed, buy whatever the hell you want.