
“The Onion"

I believe you’re an idiot. A good ol' boy from Arkansas wouldn’t be into underage girls?

Sexual harassment aside (hypocrisy of Left for decades), nobody becomes an extremely popular two-term President the through sheer luck or ignorance. He didn’t play identity politics. He was Hillary’s best adviser and she ignored him at every turn.

Anyone seeing this Tweet in time would have been fine,”

You're just helping keeping her in the spotlight. 

What’s a firewall?

A month in the greys. I smell some silencing BS.

The only country handicapped by the treaty is the USA. No other super power or nuclear capable nation gives two shits about it.

You must be pretty young. Indifference is a bigger threat than POTUS or Republicans because it’s indifference that determines if someone is going to vote or not. Votes actually do matter.

Sexist how? Describe in detail how the above statement was sexist without describing which sex or anything to do with said sex didn’t take place. That's the problem with you people today; everything is sexist or racist.

Well, if anything is proportionate, that girl is a champ.

Maybe, just leave the guys to their preference. I'm 5'9" and never met a girl above 5'6" that wanted to date. They want "taller". 

Maybe it's just me but, adding more criteria makes achieving something more difficult, no?

This means literally nothing. Every scenario you can imagine with Arya alive can lead with this. Her last scene she’s alone. And?

“the Republicans fucked the Democrats—and more importantly, America—yet again.”

Woman backs into my fender as I'm waiting for another car to move forward. She pulls back into her space, gets out, and says, "but, I didn't see you in my camera". How about use that mirror or turn your damn head?

Racist? Please point that tidbit out.

I guess Ford shoulda taken that bailout money back then. 

Wasn’t the Bronco a poor man's SUV that you could beat on? That thing doesn't look cheap.

It’s been less than a week.