
As a Powerwall 2 installer, I’m gonna go ahead and say no to your idea. There's a lot more going on than just clamping cables onto battery terminals.

the ovation suggested that the crowd was offering up tribute to someone who pretty clearly predicted every aspect of the national nightmare we’re in.”

Dumb canuk? There you go. Who would willingly build such a weapon for Saddam Hussein....

Because this is a blog. Not news.

That sumbitch. I'm not ready for it to end!

Well, Pfff. My parents divorced when I was 17. They still talked, and they still took care of each other during their last few years alive.

Hill break. Call me old fashioned but I prefer knowing I'm engaging something manually. When electronics fail, you're fucked.

I think they covered the lore pretty well, more than any other game.

You can be the greatest driver in the world, but you’re still surrounded by idiots.

Idk but at first while playing I was like holy shit, Sean Connery. Oh extra holy shit, he's an evil necromancer. Then saw Stewart's name in the credits. Blew my mind.

Robert Carlyle was a good surprise as Gabriel/Dracula. Natasha McElhone too. How does a game get A listers for voice acting....

While looking like Sean Connery.

Some of the puzzles did get frustrating but the end boss, Lucifer 2.0 was a let down. His design was lame too. Looked like he sucked down a bunch of steroids. That game had potential. The Alucard DLC was cool though.

So this is what we've come to, talking about the President's dick. There's no imagining here either, it's the actual shape and look of his dick. The Left are obsessed with Trump.

Yeah I felt the sequel was rushed through production.

Both Lords of Shadow and their DLC are by far the best of the Castlevania games. Deep story, great voice acting, visuals, cut-scenes. The first was obviously the best one.

I’m not crying, you’re crying!


Yeah sure, humor helps. I remember an old friend on FB that was being “humorous” sitting comfortably in Michigan when Irma came along in Florida. He got flamed big time and lost quite a few friends back home in Florida. Humor helped.

It’s nice people can sit here and make jokes about their own dying.