
It's Alright everyone! we caught the bad guy!

Another bar tending story:

Oh god all of RoosterTeeth will be shitting a brick.....HD remakes of the First few seasons of RvB should be done.

The only bar I've ever puked at was the Out-R-Inn in Columbus, Ohio, on one of their infamous "mug" nights (where you get dollar refills when you buy their plastic mug). The men's room at this dive is on the second floor.

1) Toe-curling orgasm

White Sox games in the 1970's were complete insanity. You know how the old 10 Cent Beer Night story gets bounced around and people react like "Holy shit! That's nuts!"? That was 81 days a year on at Old Comiskey on the South Side (minus the riot spilling onto the field, though that did happen notoriously more than a

Ok, I tried really quickly:

>implying mario kart is supposed to be legitimately competitive...

i'm more scared of Donkey Kong actually.


The average intelligence has only increased over the 20th century.

Eli Manning had a pretty sweet night too. He at two Happy Meals and hung out in the ball pit at a McDonald's Play Place for HOURS.

Hey You ever wonder why we're here?

He's a Fullonrapist.

It appears his players are following Chip Kelly's example in stacking the roster with ducks.

That's a crap load of vodka

1. It's not a "longstanding tradition" since they first started it last year.

What does the official Scouting Combine for Prom Draft look like, I wonder?