
Sports Information guy here. No, I don’t just get to watch games for free. I’m in charge of keeping track of stats, statting a game, sending out finalized stats to opposing SIDs and media personnel, writing the recap, updating social media, updating the team website, and coordinating interviews between members of the

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Absolutely no mention of the old lay getting flying kicked in the face?

Are we sure none of these pics or videos were taken in Mordor? Or Mustafar?

And the Academy Award for Best Picture goes to...

Yeah, I never really liked the switch to the beam. The fuel rod blast from the first Halo and the gold ones (?) from ODST are just some of the best/most challenging enemies to fight in the whole series.

Not gonna lie, it moved a little

His little attempt to get up before lying right back down is the best part. Dude got knocked into 2016

I always thought it was strange that the camera lingered on her character for that much longer than the others, and then in the end she gets blown away

Gamora wouldn't say no, because of the implication.

Has it been confirmed that first-person mode is for both single player and GTA: Online, or is it exclusive to single player? Because every .gif and video I've seen has been in the single player.

So Marvel getting the same actress who was asking for Steve Rodgers' autograph in First Avenger to play Quill's mom was no coincidence, right?

Today… well, today we're not quite there yet. Yesterday I used an Xbox One to watch football, snapping the NFL app to the side of my TV as I sat through the early games and waited for the Jets to figure out how to let me down. And, sadly, the app isn't very revolutionary, nor will it change how I watch NFL games in

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It also helps that it has some of the best music in the game playing behind while you storm the beach.

*plays video*

I feel like this happens a lot more often with celebrities than it should. Obviously the person responsible for hacking is an asshole and should get whatever punishment comes their way, but why would you (as a celeb) save these kinds of pics?

An Alaskan Pipeline is a variation of the Klondike Bar with placing the frozen turn inside a condom.

Dear god this shit goes on for almost 10 minutes?? The fuck is wrong with her?!?