
Has Duke University made any statements about the incident or of the situation? I know you mention UNC in your article but the big four (Duke, NC State, UNC and Wake Forest) all have a very racist past. Please take a moment to read the below article from a Native American who was turned down by Duke University because

Please note though that $17 a day was in her 45th year. She had many years making $3 to $4 a day. Her retirement was $21.99 a month. For the year she would make $263.88 in retirement payments. I looked at the census and in 1940 she made $900 and my grandfather made $1,100. That translates to $15,205 and $18,504 in

Both of my grandfathers worked over fifty years at Cannon Mills. One of them started at age thirteen in 1915. Although he worked there over fifty years he never made more than $4,000 a year.