I remember growing up and wanting one of these 3 AMC cars Just as long as they had the V8 and the 4speed..... I know this is Sad(specially The Flames on the Spirit)
I remember growing up and wanting one of these 3 AMC cars Just as long as they had the V8 and the 4speed..... I know this is Sad(specially The Flames on the Spirit)
Does anyone remember when it was a Slinky song.... drove me Crazy back then
The first car I had was the old family Car '69 Plymouth fury wagon (white with red vinyl bench seats) great car for the fuel crunch of the 70's, then I got my Dad's '75 Fiat 128, talk about extremes. The transmission had to be worked on so much I was able to take the damn thing out and apart by myself in just over an…
Do like I did with my LeCar.... Take it to Jiffy Lube. They kept puttting the wrong filters on the car so all the oil came out
Shouldn't this be in Intercourse, PA ... I Mean isn't that what the "I" is for
The Car that could have Changed AMC's Image the Sexy Italian American 1970 AMX3
The Car that could have saved AMC's Image 1970 AMX3 One sexy Italian Amercan
I have Owner the Following
I have never read so many inmature crab. It is amazing in this day and age that so many of you think so stereotypical homo phobic. I am a Gay man that has Love auto all his life. and Yes I do work on my cars and trucks (I read AutoBlog,Listen to Autoline Daily and Even Watch TopGear UK)... I also do electical work, …
@Jonee: I owned a midnight Blue one I was the Most fun Car I ever own... A pain to work on but a Fun car
Congrats to Subaru.... love the Youtube adds
Is this one of Top Gear's Stunts gone wrong ? Or is it Right?
I have a Hard To Find 1998 Chevy S-10 LS Long bed V-6 with 5 speed stick I had for my Upholstery a Good size truck for me... But the Best work horse I had was the Family '69 Plymouth Fury 3 Wagon... Uses to haul the Family when I was young... to bricks... to 4X8 sheets of dry wall... and still had room for 3 adults...…
Does This Explain The PACER
The Entire Caddy Line From the Cimerron to the Down Sized Eldorado to the Fleetwood.... with the exception of the last year of the Allanté. If these were around today I thick we would have said GOOD By to Caddy and Not Pontiac