
I'm not sure what it says about my experiences in a variety of different kinds of video stores, but it was the first thing I thought too. 

But he would have been pretty good....

On a big enough screen, Barry Lyndon is incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed the primary act of just LOOKING at a movie more. And the duel scenes are as tense as any shootouts I’ve ever seen. 

It shouldn't have been Kidman at any point.

I can’t rewatch this because Kidman is unwatchable. Why did anybody think she could act?

I haven’t checked this out yet but saw and heard a lot of stuff that made it seem right up my alley but now I’m not sure. The splash page paragraph makes it seem like they don’t bother to play out the mystery in a satisfying way. I don’t need an ending where good is triumphant and the baddies are dragged off in cuffs

I always thought it ironic that Libertarianism and Communism fail for exactly the same reason. Neither even try to realistically consider the fact that people are dicks.

How often does somebody pointing out that, unless you were an IP lawyer, you may not know what you are talking about get conflated with a mob attack on your person in your mind?

I’m guessing they know that Karens are the ones buying these things for their children. Getting one of the “darker” dolls is how Karens know they aren’t racist

My personal favorite (from Chariots of Fire:)

There is no universe in which Beverley Hills Cop is better than Back To The Future.

That made that easy on themselves by making sure they only ever appeared as pairs in the movie.

Matt Smith could pull a bowtie off. So could my Grandpa. But you have to be careful. 

I think it’s possible to be both, as you have just ably demonstrated. 

I think Marvel hit is perfect with the TV-show-style (and I mean that in a good way) serialization they embraced. Make general plans, but always keep an eye on what’s working and what’s not and tweak as necessary. That takes some luck to pull off but they’ve stuck it so far.

Yes, absolutely. Nothing ever should change or be “deconstructed” in Star Wars. That will insure it stays fresh, interesting, and vibrant. {Sees ROS} Never mind.

Debunking doesn’t matter. It will get brought up every time someone mentions Hunter’s cushy boardroom gig. It will never matter how fast you yell “Debunked!” when it is brought up, it will stick.enough to do lasting damage and cost Biden the election.  The Dems have done it again-they figured out which candidate would


A Japanese movie written, produced, and directed by a guy named Adam Sherman.

I find your offendedness offensive.