Would be better with Running in the 90's in the background.
Would be better with Running in the 90's in the background.
What was your first clue?
How many miles are on it?
When asked what Island he wanted John said Revis Island.
If your reaction to having someone forget the cheese on your cheeseburger is that you feel they deserved to be punched in the face I stand by my original assessment of your personality.
Jason here is an alternative solution. Contact a bunch of ferrari owners and have them go get their distance run diagnostics. It may need to be some high profile ferrari owned by some high profile people.
People who shoot in portrait mode are like people who cruise in the left lane. Let’s send em all to North korea
Countercounter point: you’re probably an asshole customer who deserves to be banned from restaurants for entitlement and generally being an asshole.
I’m not saying I called it, but when I watched the video I can tell you the braking on that car is freaking magic. I don’t know about the handling/acceleration/top speed or any of those things, but the braking on that video just watch the speeds drop.
I’m OK at most sports. I’m not OK at basketball. I’m awful. I’d bet my paycheck I can make at least 3 of 17.
Honestly it was so bad in the back yard (chain link fenced in) that you wouldn’t have dared even if that was sarcasm. The “grass” was over 5 feet long and there were things in there. You’d say it is a back yard but it is a very visible back yard. The front looked like out of bounds at a golf course.
I’m surprised last night’s record breaking free-throw performance hasn’t made an appearance here on Deadspin. Drummond was 1 for 10 and the team was 3 for 17. Worst team FT performance in a single game in NBA history.
I’d rather it block the sidewalk than park on the street and make it a very very narrow street. But blocked bike paths suck. Blocked sidewalks meh.
Find a neighbor who refuses to mow their lawn and see what that does to the perception of the neighborhood and property values.
As someone who followed the live updates from Autosport nobody wanted to be out there in the wet. Towards the end of the day and maybe the last 45 minutes before lunch there was some productive dry running. Mercedes likely faked an electrical issue rather than bother sending big baby Hamilton out there afraid he might…
Hamilton went off in a similar way to Stroll at least 2 times on Tuesday. Massa did 2 times on Monday. Magnussen did I believe 3 times on Tuesday. None of them damaged their front wing in the gravel but there have been plenty of talented drivers who have gone off in a seemingly harmless way that didn’t result in front…
I approve of the outback suggestion.
The grief the kid is getting right now isn’t really justified. I get that his spin on Tuesday damaged the front wing, but do you know how many other drivers had similar spins this week and off track excursions? Yes he hit the wall yesterday, but before that people were already crowing about how awful he is. His money…
I would send this to my wife but it may result in a fatality. Namely me.
Have you seen the throwing motion Chris Sale uses? It seems impossible to think that he won’t have constant issues.