
They’re also a bunch of hypocrites. Colts players, much like IU Basketball players, can get away with drugs, DUIs, etc., but if Paul George shoves their precious Cody Zeller during a game, he and the rest of the Pacers are labeled as “thugs”.

Uhh Ron Artest

Indy 500 > the NFL. That is all.

If I’m logan I sell the thing and buy lots of new cars. That thing has to be worth serious money now.

I hope Red Bull gets the best car again next year. Ricciardo vs. Verstappen is a fight I can get behind. I'll root for them both to win all the races. Tie for first.

What the horse said to Christopher Reeve?

Alex: That's correct. You win!

Now that's a farmers tan.

NCAA is a sham. Everyone on deadspin agrees on that point.

These aren't paid athletes so why can't a coach protect them to a certain degree? As long as they're not being sheltered from legal consequences for their actions at least. That said maybe this is Baylor part deux. I doubt it. Harbaugh is crazy, but not stupid.

They ran it twice and the 2nd time the Ferrari The Ferrari got away pretty clean.


The only thing the Lions really have zero tolerance for is winning.

This does not have nearly enough stars. +1

Hi. My name is Ryan. I’m a Lions fan.

I feel like every time I talk about the team I need to start with that like I’m in some sort of support group. The Lions have been the support group for every franchise in the league for the last 50 years. ZMF is right. 1 playoff win in the Super Bowl Era.

The retirement of Sanders

Let’s start off with the new Corvette C7 GS. The first ever American high performance car that isn’t exclusive, look good, and will even keep you happy on a race track.

Then lets talk about adding a Tesla Model S P85D for the economic sensibilities

A Ford Focus RS - Because racecar

As long as I’m not paying to maintain

ICYMI the two men's gymnasts from Brazil who took Silver and Bronze in the event final are both in the running for best reaction to winning a medal. No links. I'm a commentor not a blogger. Find them yourself.

Yah uhh there's no way this was an accident and why is that song playing at all regardless of the situation?

That's the highway I was thinking of. Seems to me when traffic is light it just causes congestion when it isn't necessary.

So what you're saying is using the same drugs doesn't produce the same results.

FYI Michigan is attempting the same thing. I think it's about as likely to be successful as getting people to ride right pass left.

Please try being blonde for a year and let me know if the grass is greener. Or worse. Try being a male and losing your hair.

Edited to add: This isn't meant to marginalize everything in the article above. All of which I have is no doubt 100% true.

WTF Chris. How is this list not on the list? This list is crap. It should be #1 on the worst top 10 list.