Ha ha, this is just brilliant!
Ha ha, this is just brilliant!
The mass effect movie doesn't have to follow Shepard. The ME universe is deep enough to have a story set in the same time as Shepard, or even before Shepard. I'd love to see a movie about the Rachni wars, but the problem is that people probably won't see a movie where there are no characters they can relate with (in…
Came here to say this. I really loved Capcom's iterations of Legend Of Zelda with the Oracle series and Minish Cap. Maybe Nintendo should work with capcom for another portable zelda game?
Beard Shadow.
No, it's the mask.
If i ever see anyone using this gun on the street...
No, THIS is the original land shark... pickle
Hellraid is silly? I'm pretty sure there are sillier names, like "Bravely Default". And if you count subtitles, then any subtitle to a squeenix game. See: "Birth by sleep", "358/2 days"...
Praise the sun!
His voice acting for garrett was the best they could have gotten for the character, although i think his voice acting in Skyrim was pretty annoying. Maybe his voice is getting strained from years of voice acting?
I remember the tagline from the original thief being "The story about the greatest thief the world has never seen".
Of course, you can also go the extra mile and ghost the missions. I like to imagine that the person Garrett stole from just suddenly discovers he's been robbed, instead of a legion of guards just waking up in synch with eachother and realizing what happened.
Killzone looked pretty good... but i felt the graphics didn't improve much on Crysis 2's graphics on the PC.
They mounted google glasses on top of google glasses, so the google glasses would record the google glasses.
In gearbox's defense, i actually think DNF was already doomed before they even got their hands on it.
Think of it this way: If you play a videogame that depicts rednecks, you expect them to speak english with that characteristic shoutherner accent of them, and you would be totally caught off guard if you went to a trailer park and everyone there spoke with a clear posh english accent. Same thing happened in BO2:…
Shhh.... it's a secret to everybody...
>Why can't there be a (good) zelda game where you can play as her?
Geometry, shmeometry. Who even uses that anyway? It's not like it's used for rocket surgery or anything.
Rynn! I can't Fly there! I can't Fly there! I can't Fly there! I can't Fly there! I can't Fly there!