
But see, y’all don’t know who is funding it. So it’s not really reporting per se. It’s more of a list of who isn’t funding it, which I find uninteresting. You know who also isn’t funding the Ringer? The Pope! Dennis Rodman! That kid from Jerry Maguire! Boom, I reported.

“You may be 100% approaching this as an objective reporter telling a story of interest to the readers, but I’m not the only one who sees a weird undercurrent with this story that smacks of envy, personal vendetta, or just a general aim to muck up some shit about someone who this site seems to inexplicably detest.”

I’m not sure how you’ve read all these comments and come away thinking a hundred thousand people really think this is an interesting story.

i guess the piece also feels condescending viewed in the context of how deadspin/gawker approaches bill simmons as a subject of public interest in general.

I wouldn’t call Deadspin a blog, but rather a reblogger of Kinja Deals.

Simmons can be an annoying tool, but Deadspin’s obsessive coverage of him over the years makes it seem like there’s some sort of weird vendetta involved.

No, the vast majority of the world doesn't care about your water cooler gossip. And be honest, the only reason you care is that Bill gets more resources than you do.

Pardon my ignorance, but this condescending non-answer still doesn’t inform me, average internet Joe, why I should give a shit about who’s backing the site.

You’re not seriously pretending that your use of blog wasn’t meant as a pejorative, are you? You could’ve called it literally anything else, like website; leesigh knows that blog has a negative connotation, I know it, and so do you.

You undercut this point by condescendingly calling The Ringer “Bill Simmons’... new blog” in the title. Forgive him if he didn’t realize you meant to say “Bill Simmons’ new potential entertainment media behemoth.”

But why does this matter? Grantland was great and I'm happy at least some semblance of it has returned

“Black” actually makes up an incredibly small portion of Brazil’s official demographic (7%). It’s the multi-racial demographic that makes up a large chunk of Brazil’s population and even that is smaller than “White”.

Challenge Accepted!

Challenge Accepted!

Sincere question: Is it accurate that the Cabinet is made up only of white men? I know in the U.S. we’d probably classify Brazilians as Latinos, but I wondered whether race is perceived similarly in Brazil or if this is a slip by an American journalist.

nexus 5x for $200 when you port to Google Fi.

nexus 5x for $200 when you port to Google Fi.

Kings gonna King.

Once again, Jalopnik, like all of Gawker’s sites, flips between the “we’re a blog!/we’re real journalists!” crap. Pick one. Commenting on automotive personalities is pretty much all Jalopnik does. Since when do you need to be able to “back it up?”

WTF??!!!...Yet when WE ever mentioned it on your COUNTLESS articles (ads?), we were chastised for bringing up “old news”.

To be clear since we’re talking about how others percieve you as a rider my point is that many drivers will percieve this as cutting the line. I think the same people find it equally madening when a cyclist filters to the front, pauses and then runs the red light (a common occurrence especially in cities) thus

It is cutting the line. Just because it’s not technically illegal, you’re still being an asshole.