
Rear-steer. If you hit the steering wheel trying to exit the forklift you can cause it to steer right where you are going to land if you jump off. A forklift never really travels in a straight line without constant steering inputs from the operator, and doesn’t generally return to a neutral straight-ahead driving

Is it raining? ‘Cause I’m standing in a puddle..

That will be sure to impress at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru

Tundra T3 Edition:

What about the “RumbleBee??!!”

In no particular order:

-Rain Sensing Wipers... frustrating as Hell.
-Fake Engine Noise piped into the cabin... Jesus.
-Adaptive Cruise Control... also frustrating as Hell.
-Self-Parking. If you can’t park, should you even be driving? It’s a novelty.
-Lane Keeping Assist. Again, should you be driving?
-360 Overhead

I’m going to go out on a limb. Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Lost his dad/mentor right out of the gate. Not only that, Dale Sr was THE driving force of DEI. Without Dale Sr, DEI went to pieces. Jr tried to gain an ownership stake in the company, Theresa would have none of that, so he was forced to leave. That’s before we get to

Mark. Martin.

Microsoft Office being a Prime Example.


Agree. Such a monumental waste all around. NYPD could have sold these bikes to any number of willing buyers, in bulk Lots. They could be restored and re-sold, and-or parted-out.

Exactly. Constantly changing the formula has hurt the sport. Trying to emulate stick and ball sports with the Postseason was a horrible move. The Chase was terrible from day 1 and they have constantly messed with that. I don’t see the positives for stage racing either. It’s convoluted, contrive, manipulated,

I actually think it is past-time for automakers to stop obsessing with endless expansion and this quest to be the “Biggest” automaker by volume. That much I am glad about. VW needs to improve build quality that has been lost to cost cutting over the last few years.

I have a 2017 Jetta GLI as my daily driver. My

Yeah I found the new Civic to be pretty nasty too..

I think the police did a great job clearing the insurrectionists and their blockade Occupation. They handled the insurrectionists with kid gloves the whole time, gave them plenty of opportunities to leave on their own. They handed out flyers days beforehand!! Plenty of people are pointing out the stark differences in

That being said, Thankful for Mike Joy still being around to do that job. Not many of the old Pros left.

This thing was a No Dice even before factoring in the Time Bomb under the hood.

You win the internet today!

You have been a lovely, lovely, witness!