
Tracy, speaking as a grown ass woman with a bangin’ career, and awesome marriage and zero kids, you are wrong wrong wrong. Please stop. Get over yourself. You are condescending. I don’t need to get knocked up to get that “roll with it” mentality. I am running a $300+ million dollar IT project, and that is way better

This is seriously the most irresponsible article I've seen on this website in EVER. Are these not the exact same myths we try to convince teen moms not to believe? Yeah, sure, having an unplanned pregnancy will TOTALLY improve your relationship, finances and maturity level. Or it will magnify all your existing

Is this author crazy??? Every point she raised is a lie, lie, lie. Maybe pregnancy changed her life for the better, but most women's lives get turned upside down from an unexpected visit by the stork. No, unexpected pregnancy is NOT a sure-fire fix to a life of procrastination, lassitude, and overall indifference.

Pregnancy to get your life together sounds awfully similar to getting pregnant to save your marriage. Neither seems like a great option.

I was seriously expecting this to be a joke article with lighthearted things like "your boobs grow!" and "you get presents!" but this? Ugh.

This was published a few days ago and it's still just rankling me. Touting an unplanned pregnancy as an avenue to getting your life together is just the most toxic kind of bullshit. So what, my abortion was a bad choice because I should have just embraced a roll-with-it attitude? If I had stayed pregnant, would I have

Is this supposed to be satire? I ask because it encapsulates what assholes like Rush Limbaugh think feminists (and all women) are like: selfish, navel-gazing sluts but then, biology strikes and The Men were right all along, the crazy bitch just needed a baby to focus on. She's fixed now.

Are we being trolled from inside or what?

Oh God, more reading about Tracy's navel. There are 0ther people!

Glad that even the commenters here are finding this article problematic. #8 is the most disgusting of all to me. You're basically saying that an "unplanned" (ha, right) pregnancy is awesome because you get to force greater commitment onto your partner, to see if they'll be the kind of person to take your bullshit or

Your life before resembles nothing anyone I know of at that age's life. Well, maybe a few exceptions. With or without baby. Then you had a baby and it's ALL you ever write about.

8. You’ll Figure Out Your Relationship

or if you're like me, the unplanned pregnancy is like a fairy godmother waving her wand so that you can see (what everyone else already does) that your man is a asshat, abusive, lazy jerk who can't keep a job.

Okay. I keep tripping over this woman's age. It's like it's written by a mid thirties from the perspective of a mid-teens or mid-twenties.

Getting pregnant will fix your body, your relationship, and your existential crisis. Just one moment ............................................... WHERE THE SHIT AM I AND WHERE DID JEZEBEL GO?

Haha!!! This is an amazing bit of bullshit and lies. Glad when stories like this have a happy ending. But as a divorce attorney, this advice is great for business. Guess what, if you're married and haven't thought or talked about having kids, most likely the other person doesn't want them. Or at least they don't

This is the most idiotic thing ever.

Please change the title to "10 things that changed for me when I got accidentally pregnant in my mid-30's".

My mom had 3 kids she didn't prepare for and she couldn't afford us and couldn't take care of any of us and we spent huge chunks of our lives living in filth, literal roach

This article is full of hahahahahaha written by a young stupid shit.

Considering how many bad mothers and broken marriages there are out there, this article is surprisingly glib and ragingly narcissistic. It is hard to not imagine some women silently putting an "If you want to..." before the 10 things and lapsing on their birth control. Having a child does not mean that any of those