
So I feel like in the past 5 or 10 years there were lots of developments in all kinds of oil eating bacteria and robots and lasers and whatever designed to fix oil spills. Where the hell have they been and why was this even a problem?

So who can get me an interview there?

@jizMondo: That's like the third comment I've read on Rambus today across different sites. Wtf.

I love girls with hypothyroidism.

@Yeah!: Is that a sticker picture of the lemur below?

@dhawk00002: My mom still uses AOL. As in AOL 9.0. As in, software that hasn't received a real update since 1999.

Next thing you know, MLG will ban Mountain Dew.

@Zanzan42: Who says pro sports aren't ridiculous? There's a whole lotta NBA players who make 7 figures and shoot <60% freethrows. If I took roids I'm sure I'd fit right in in the MLB. Maybe I could negotiate out that 9 figure deal.

@hawkeye18: Well neither comment was about to make me wii myself.

Just remember: if you take a shot at a Hooters girl, take a shot of penicillin after.

@alex-y: I think the fact that you'd rather get an IM address than a # means you're doing it wrong.

@sjgiz: Didn't work for him, either.

@Arken: Wait...wtf?

I don't care if Bear Grylls eats power bars and sleeps in a Ritz every night. He's still a baller. His name is Bear Grylls.

I'm really surprised. I know big companies make bad decisions, but I've never heard of a company making 7.7 billion of them intentionally.

I feel like it's really hard to shower or find privacy in his planned house. Good thing he doesn't like porn.