Na Zdorovie, Tovarich!

Oh yes, mustn’t show any disrespect to porch pirates and their hilarious thievery. Bring on the show! Is there a place I can send my footage?

Gawker shot itself in the face when AJ Dualario had another boneheaded idea and released the Hulk Hogan sex tape. They can all FOH.

The UNC Charlotte Shooting Didn’t Even Register a Blip in D.C.”

Two mass shootings in one week and all I hear are crickets around here. One at UNC Charlotte last week and 8 shot at a Denver school several hours ago. Weird since it’s usually de rigeur to post countless articles about one dead victim shooting in San Diego.

The man who set up an anti-piracy operation that was then infiltrated by those pirates tried to teach Project Veritas intelligence techniques and found they were, somehow, too stupid to grasp them.

Two convictions is greater than zero. But what do I know, I only learned that in preschool.

Comrade Guevara rolls in his grave 

Shibly is the lawyer for Hoda Muthana, a New Jersey–born woman who married an Islamic State fighter, proclaimed her adherence to ISIS in writing, and now seeks to return to the United States. Muthana’s case turns on technicalities of the citizenship laws, and she is entitled to legal representation. Shibly has

Granted, Pelosi could have handled it differently. But this guy's whole shtick is more or less based in hyperbole. 

she probably is hoping they will try to do harm to Ilhan Omar.”

Admittedly it’s very bad that civilians were killed in any military action led byt the United states. I’m pretty sure however, Al-Shabab takes the majority of blame for civilians killed.

I never said it was fully representative of Islam. A specific stereotype was mentioned, I filled the blank. 

Oh God Not Another One (that isn't Bernie) 

I gave a specific example that follows the stereotype.

“There are very fascinating people outside who for so many years have spoken about an Islam that is oppressive, that lessens and isolates women,”

Just going to leave this here. Stolen from my friend David.

I'm fine with who I am because I didn't diddle kids. 

Someone is suffering from looking for a payday syndrome. 

I asked myself does mj deserve the respect of not posting this meme and it was a resounding no.