
You are a dipshit.

I think a voice actor trying to screw kids is justifiable outrage. I don’t know what a fujoshi is.

What is true: All of the screenshots of the chat logs. Yes, all of the cringy sex talk. Yes, I did threaten suicide if it got out.

What I’m bothered most by all of this hate and policing streamers and calls for boycotts is all of these people are so happy to jump on forums, TikTok, etc. and announce that they don’t support the game and anyone who does is a bigot.”

So that’s the part of the discourse that bothers you, and not the transphobia? Some

yeah a video game is a PURE luxury you can divest from. It’s not like coca cola or nestle who own huge percentages of the food market thus making areas where they have no competition.

Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Her ethnicity is the focus of lots of criticism, and pretending that it isn’t a factor in why people even give enough of a shit to weigh in on the quality of the ten-millionth Scooby-Doo iteration feels insincere. People tend to spend a hell of a lot more time complaining about pointless but harmless adaptations of

I think the problem with Velma was just that it’s not actually good. 

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time”

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

And who do you think inspires people to commit those murders, who shifts those people’s worldviews enough that they make the decision that a trans person’s life isn’t valid?

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

and she celebrates every single time that happens.

Is “prognosis negative” a description of your prospects for recovery from brain damage? Or are you just a dipshit?

This has always been the case. It is their job to investigate you and make sure that you aren’t actually going to burn anything down.

Is he the worst black man in America? Most powerful example of skinfolk aint kinfolk but anyone else yall think takes the crown from him?

While always good. I hope that means money and action.

She knew what she was doing. Shame on Maine voters for believing her time and time again on this. 

“Ultimately what I think is truthful was that they were both abusive to each other.”