
So you can buy guns off of a Craigslist like website but you can’t get a handjob? What is this world coming to?

I for one love MNS movies. I think they are brilliant



He’ll be confirmed. Look at what Trump did to women and he is now our president.... It still seems like a bad dream and makes me vomit a little bit in my mouth when I utter that last part...

I installed the patched Mojave from DosDude1 on my mid 2010 Macbook Unibody 2 days ago and it has never run better or faster. I assumed that it would be dog slow and plagued with issues, but not so. Boot time is much faster than previous OS’s and programs run smooth as silk. All hardware is functioning perfectly. Lovin

People have way too much time (and money) on their hands

What exactly does the cover photo have to do with the story?

For all of you naysayers, at least he is offering to do something about it on his own dime while your “government” isn’t doing shit about it...

In this day and age, and as a developed nation, the fact that we have to even worry about mass shootings makes me sick to my stomach. 

I started using the free version of Trello to manage my to-do’s at the office. I have since started using it to assign and monitor tasks that I give to my assistant. It allows us to correspond and collaborate on assignments very easily. We went the next step and are now using it office wide for keeping track of

the girl not u Adam



I tested this yesterday with my iPad 4th Gen. Apple Support will only replace it with the same exact unit for $299.99. I said, well couldnt I just buy the brand spanking new one for $329.99? He said I certainly can!! BS BS BS BS BS. I’m back to windows anyways so it doesn’t matter

I bet his wet suit was full of poop

Maybe the FSU player was sitting by himself and the kid with autism thought it was sad and decided to keep him company....ever think of that?

Fart Sniffing*....priceless