@Matthew Ho: My thoughts exactly.
@Matthew Ho: My thoughts exactly.
@MVorgitch: Agreed. unfortunately 10x better still isn't that good :(
@gabrielfjr: Night at the Roxbury
@noodle: maybe = theoretical science
@Caturday Yet?: I wish I could like this on facebook.
@Ninety-9: Read my mind.
@CountryBoy: Nope.
Two Bruce Springsteen covers? How obscure.
Just make pulled pork. It's SUPER EASY and taste 1000 times better.
@ohmygodtheykilledkennyrogers: Good points.
@im2fools: Yes it does!
@Rohan Singh: The burger was debunked but the fries have not...
@cubeenigma: Never let the truth interfere with a good story.
But look at the bright side: it'll still look the same after 6 months.
@HighSpeedIndeed: So you're saying it's not the advertisers fault, it's the lazy Americans?
Sometimes a metaphor can go too far. This is such a time.
What a brilliant marketing ploy.
Facebook's interfaces have always been abysmal. This will be no different.
Here's my robotic one.
Well...I can say I really liked the Poor Man's Polygraph Part 1 article.