Navin R Johnson

This calculation is not accurate. If you could replace your car with a bike, maybe, but these numbers are way too high.

I don't understand LCD prices.

VOTE: Google Bookmarks + Gbookmarks Firefox add-on

USB 2 - 60 MB/sec

This article strikes a chord with me big time. That desk look like my desk, only mine is 3 times the size.

One thing I'd like to add to my morning ritual: 2 more hours of sleep. :)

@justajason: Have you ever TRIED wearing a t-shirt with a bow? Or bejeweled flip flops? Huh?

@branchedout: Just remember, cats kill more birds than wind generator do.

@leetgeek: What he's trying to say is, when you drink until 4 am, you may as well just keep on drinking.

@will002: Link to a tutorial perhaps?

I can haz brain tumor?

@Eryq: I love the smell of fried cat brains in the morning.

I prefer this fix-it site:

I played this for a while on my daughter's DS and I can tell you that playing the Brain Age game definitely makes you better at playing the Brain Age game.

I'll be interested in a decent linux solution. I tried two monitors for a while and gave up.

How is it that DVDs have been out 17 years and I'm just hearing about this NOW?!?!

@herhor: It takes a while. Be patient.

Pretty awesome. I plan to build one and retire in it. $250k is too rich for my blood.

Maybe someone hacked his account?

This type of stand/camera combo might work well for some things, but scanning a whole book... I wouldn't try it.