Why write this ?
Why write this ?
I’m a white guy. And this whole affair including judgment is a travesty.
No reasonable man would drive an automobile while smoking pot. Especially with a four year old in the car.
And sasquatch pertains to Michelle’s hair and body habitus and not her race.
Do you know vetting ocurrs now? 50% vetted get admitted. With no background check. Just questions.
I think ypi mean f*cked over. F*cked up means its your fault.
No religious test. But priority given to Xtians. Totally legal.
Do you know any of the steps for immigration? and after april 2016, even Obama circumvented those.
Will not be suspended. He is the president. In charge of administering the country.
Obama did it for eight years. Donald is just undoing the damage Obama caused.
Won the election?
Fake news. quoting the Darth Vader of fake news, the washpo.
I had to work with a girl like that. She was 17. Would spit and attack everyone.
Saliva does carry HIV, Hep C.
This guy and his country needs America more than America needs him. He’ll show up eventually. Through the back door.
That mom is a great example. swearing. resisting arrest. attacking an officer. the cop was rude. but that woman does not engender a drop of sympathy. Why were they on the guy’s property while he was painting the fence?
Obama tooting his own horn.
Has a sporting event with violence ever created a monument to Black culture, like Newark?
Romney was a Mormon and the Evangelicals stayed home and would not vote for him.
I see. A subset of people with white privilege.