
Judging by the FOR ALL MANKIND trailer it looks like the Robinsons made it back as far as Mars:

Is it weird I expected “Burden in My Hand” and not “Blackhole Sun” in the For All Mankind trailer?

Look up her goal celebrations, that’ll confirm your theory.

Every eastern European nation has problems with far-right or neonazi groups. Even Russia. Russia uses the existence of Azov as a convenient excuse to sell what they are doing to its own citizens. Meanwhile, Russia makes extensive of the “private” in name only military contractor Wagner Group, which is itself a neonazi

Republicans, man they love freedom!

Quill: “You ever feel lost? Just look into the eyes of people that you love.”

Now playing

I also loved the check-in we got with Ace a couple of years ago as a DVD extra

Within the first Act of this film, I was thinking to myself, “Wow, this is easily going to rank as on of my favorite films of all time.” And by the closing scene, yep, there’s a good chance it has outclassed Tarsem’s “The Fall” for my Number 1 spot.

Going off the headline I thought you meant this one:

did Rose rip off Jar-Jar’s dick and then put it in her pocket in that clip?

I’m always impressed with people that are able to look at things and figure out ways to make something work. There are just so many talented folks out there!

Saw a screening last night and it was, without a doubt, one of the most breathtaking experiences I’ve ever had in a movie theater. I really felt movie magic - just being awestruck at what was happening on screen. It was so good to see a film take a kind of contrived sci-fi plot point and use it to tell such a well

Not really, though the story is interesting. Neon is gathered from the atmosphere where it’s naturally present in really low quantities (IIRC like 20 ppm, maybe less), and ukraine has air separation units for oxygen and nitrogen condensation, which is used in steelwork. The condensers aren’t particularly rare, but

I’m actually partial to this one:

Every Russian gamer right now:



“Here’s a comprehensive list!”

That’ll always be Starman’s crater to me.

I’m probably in the minority here but I have no desire for a new Mario Kart. 8 has been perfect so more courses is a dream to me.

LOL found the ASSyrian. Holy Game of Hattusa is clearly superior, but you’re probably distracted by your city getting WRECKED!!*

The Earth of 2024 was in incredibly dire straits in the Star Trek timeline. Many countries faced violent conflict and civil unrest, but America in particular took a turn towards a totalitarian decline in the period, wracked with severe economic crises, homelessness, and rapidly rising unemployment levels.