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There was a whole minigame dedicated to Kirby busting caps in asses in his first NES game

I heard the devs are going to provide several skins to customize your horse genital experience. (Four skins, to be precise.)


Breath of the Sonic? Hedgehog of the Wild? Let’s workshop!

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I actually was able to find a scene right from Sonic 2...

No heli-skiing. The summit is a no fly zone and has been due to many factors. Mostly due to observatories and it would be a no $ situation. When we talk about skiing in Hawaii, it’s 200' runs, maybe 5-6 turns on thin, crusty, icy snow. It’s a novelty. There have been years where you can get “real” slope time but it’s

Pikachu used quick attack; it was super effective

The copyright lawyers however had no case against the accused, as they had apparently eaten all the evidence.”

It’s rare that an Indian festival gets recognition, let alone accurately so this makes me really happy. Wish you all a very happy Deepavali ("Diwali" but in the Tamil pronunciation, since I'm one). 

About that notch, all I can think of is someone in program planning said they wanted this thing to be “Top Notch” and everyone went, “OK!!!”

Hot take: Samus will forever be an emotionless robot because when they tried to make her more than that, fans reacted with so much venom that it took the franchise a decade to make another proper installment.

And I’m not saying Other M’s writing wasn’t flawed as hell. But it’s funny to me that the part of the story

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

I’m going to say something that will likely be very controversial to these comments:

Indeed, and a prime example of a man whose works can and should be celebrated, even if as a person he might not be.

They should do the Final Fantasy VII remake next. It’s the perfect game for Cloud streaming.

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There is only one person fit to play the role of Gooigi

I’ve watched two episodes so far and it’s mostly pretty good. Lee Pace as a magnificent a-hole villain and the underrated Terrence Mann as his older self is worth the price of entry alone, and the visuals are absolutely stunning. They seem to have taken the 1970s editions of the books with the Chris Foss covers and

Pfft. I already just walk out of Whole Foods after I’ve loaded up my cart.