
For the record, barfi is amazing. Just ignore the way it’s spelt.

For some reason I was thinking it was based on Primal Rage, which would also work.

20th Century Fox. 21st Century Fox includes everything.

From what I understood, he was actually denied a purchase of a gun in Texas due to his background but he bought two guns in my state - Colorado. So ‘Yay us’, I guess?

Here I was expecting to see cosplay as ‘The Kid’ from that awesome indie game.

I was wondering if it was a jab at the PRC and ROC disputes cleverly disguised as a weird mistake.

His town in Italy would be Genoa, where I lived at one point. His house is still standing but most residents are pretty ‘meh’ about him.

Nice to see Mahindra Scorpio on a list.

Thank you. I mentioned this but didn’t see your post. This certainly looks like it was filmed as a post credits scene.

Well, the do have a scene that was filmed like a post credits scene, but they left it out of the movie and added as a bonus feature in the home release. It involves a meeting of the remaining characters minus Wonder Woman.

Besides the out of the box simplicity, the Nintendo built emulator is pretty solid. From what I’ve heard, it has much better accuracy to the original system than the homebrewed options on the Pi. It does a way better job than the Mini-Genesis console.

I get the feeling that the internals of the NES and SNES classic are exactly the same - so it’s not that difficult for them to produce either. Modders have shown that the NES classic can play SNES and even N64 games just fine.

It looks a lot like Seiken Densetsu 3 to me for some reason. I want this. Though, I have yet to see a Switch actually physically available in a store. I got a chance to hold one once, but that’s it. I am waiting for them to be available without an eBay markup.

Yeah, my big ass 5 1/4" floppy held a giant - what was it - 300kb? Enough to store my LOGO programs.

Hey, I happen to be one of the ten Legend of Mana fans. Sure, while the planting stages on the map system was weird, the core gameplay was solid and the story (while being a bit disconnected) was quite charming.

I’m having my house built like 5 five minutes from DIA - not because it’s the best location - but because thanks to the Californians and such moving here I can’t afford a home literally anywhere else. I did have to sign a waiver that I’m OK with the fact that a jumbo jet could be flying as close as 500ft from my home.

YYYYMMDD is my preferred for file naming as it sorts in the correct order.

The first one I can think of was in Sonic 1 where the lava starts coming after you in Marble Zone. That or Labyrinth Zone in its entirety. It dug deeply into this primal fear I have of being trapped / having something coming at me and me not being able to get out of the way in time.

Yes the dust bath is a real thing and they need it every day. It’s pretty quick though. I would just hold the dust box to the cage entrance and he would jump in there, roll around, and be done in less than a minute.

Chinchilla’s are like a really big mouse, only they are even smarter and live way longer (more than cats and dogs!). Super energetic and social. They can even learn tricks and will recognize the names you give them. Though their diets are very restrictive and they are a bit high maintenance.