
Playing games definitely isn’t allowed where I work. Heck, Kotaku is not allowed because it falls under the ‘games’ category on the firewall.

I’m waiting for White Diamond to make an appearance.

Man, I remember getting the first few issues when it first came out. That was a long time ago...

I neve the had a proper u-hook, just two exposed wires that I had to wrap around the screws.

When I first heard about this movie, Jupiter Ascending popped into my head. Great visuals and world building, mediocre story and characters. I guess I was pretty spot on.

I am interested. At least there is some support going to the Wii-U, as I have yet to physically see a Switch in a store anywhere.

It’s a pretty fun platformer with an engaging story. Lots of secrets and endings as well as some brutally difficult dungeons and bosses.

No you are not. Megaman Legends 1&2 were the best.

That trailer has a lot of... interesting imagery. I don’t know how to feel about this.

I don’t know anything about the first game, but good god I am in love with the art style of the world. Ancient South and South East Asian architecture in a futuristic setting is so awesome. It’s a nice change from the super shiny modern or cyberpunk designs of most sci-fi

Wow I didn’t realize that until you pointed it out. I’ve been wondering for years why Apple hadn’t released a full sized wireless keyboard. There are clunky third party attachments that you can strap on, but it’s not the same. I really hope that they sell this on its own.

I am surprised that it’s not called the ‘gut grinder’. A bit of a missed opportunity.

I’ve know this for years. I played the Mars simulation for SimEarth.

‘The Girl and the Robot’ and ‘Earthlock: Festival of Magic’

That BMO with full length arms and legs is just nope

Two Kickstarter games I backed are coming out within the next month on the WiiU

Well it’s not their fault. The no spin zone was O’Riley’s thing and he’s fired now.

I like how the Dragon Quest ports work where it’s more just swipe or tap the region of the screen where you want to go. It works better with traditional random battle rpgs, but not so well for action rpgs though.

Wow, nice pic from the island where I was born.

Khaleesi is only in the 300s? I thought it would be higher. One of my friends named his daughter that.