
The video is creepy, that's for sure. But even forgetting for a moment that it shows a "mutant" climbing on a building, the clip does send off all sorts of alarm bells: Why is the person even filming the building before anything happens? Why is the quality so crappy? Why does the building look like a model? And why

I dunno. Motion controls are used whenever you use the 'scanning' mode in the game by looking at your TV through the gamepad. Also, there is a lot of secondary audio coming out of the gamepad during gameplay.

I've had low battery issues only while playing Lego City Undercover. That particular game uses the second screen heavily and I've found that it seams to drain the battery more than other games and it's the only time where I had to stop and plug in the charge cable to keep it from dying.

Me too!

The article mentioned that it is analog, but it just doesn't look like a typical analog stick.

As for third party exclusives, I'm waiting on Bayonetta 2 and the new Xenoblade (unofficially) game. Hopefully they will be out next year. I have mixed feelings on the Wonderful 101 but I know that many people like it. ZombiU and Sonic Lost World are OK.

I was thinking about the manikins:

Um... OK. Did any of you guys play the browser game. It gets very strange as each level progresses - by 10 fold each time.

I never knew about this version. It certainly takes advantage of the higher color palette capabilities.

Maybe it's just me but this has a look and feel that's very reminiscent of Final Fantasy IX.

Another reason for me to buy this on my WiiU.

The Mac versions of these however don't run on current versions of Mac OS. They are PowerPC binaries so they won't work on an Intel Mac without Rosetta - which is not available since Lion.

Seriously $800? There are a ton of scam games out there, but in even the most DLC-heavy mainstream titles I have no idea how you could come close to $800 (excepting Ultimate Team modes in sports games) much less through something like Minecraft. Maybe he filled up an online wallet with $800 and then spent a portion of

Yeah tell me about it. Have you see the more recent episode "The Vault"?

We have one of those at the hospital I work for. Is it used? Nope.

Reminds me of this:

Half Life 2

From Urban Dictionary:

I dunno. In my old house Mario Kart was the game of choice amongst my roommates and we never played online. They were often stoned so it was perfect to have something that didn't need a whole lot of concentration (like Smash Bros).