nausea inducing

Vampires. And yes, I admit going to see that.

There is also mosquito season.

Winter schminter, what is happening to io9?!?

In fairness, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Not everybody remembers that.

Well done, sir.

And holy shit, that was terrific.

Sure, anybody can take anybody to court about anything. But Smith was suspended under the Substances of Abuse policy, which was agreed to by both the NFL and NFLPA and precisely lays out a schedule of punishments. In the Peterson, Rice, and Brady cases, the basic argument is that Goodell exceeded the authority vested

With 3 DUIs, he should never be behind the wheel again.

Thank god the Cowboys are always hiring.

It went over it’s designed load limits. The airframe was compromised.

She looks like she just heard Harrison survived her sabatoge of his plane.

How’d you guys figure out which one of you would be the straight man?

Have you ever not liked some opposing playing for no “legit” reason except the rub you the wrong way? I want to punch brady and manning’s (either bro) in the face as well. I hated Jordan. I hated John Stockton. Steve Nash comes to mind as well. Lots of sports guys just are disliked for a combination of reasons, being

Let’s not forget where she redirected her daughter’s eyes from Cam’s shameful, sexualized display.

It may not be perfect, but at least they are an undefeated 8-1.....

Some people didn’t know…

OMG They typed out the list and didn’t just attach the video!
Good job!