
Good thing he didn’t hit one or it would have had some sore antlers

Engine too far forward

I have a friend who doesn’t like go-karting in the wet because he can’t set hot laps. But karting in the wet is the best fun I’ve ever had.

Holy shit! I’ll never look the same at one of those sad old Mondeos!


Outrage eh? Pfft. Shit’s expensive.

Surely the Veyron had a bad launch. This is a car that can do 0-100 in <3 seconds. It looks like it takes almost 2 seconds to get moving. It also sounded like it was at about 13 RPM.

Surely this would’ve been before FWD came in and made economy cars depressing. Imagine the cackling you’d do if you got into a slide in this thing in the wet...

Spoken like a true Prius owner.

You’ve done it in a bunch of front-engined cars? Pfft! Not the same at all.

Love it. Especially the targa top, really sets it off

When my Z died it turned out to be the cam angle sensor playing up. Didn’t find out until after we’d changed the timing belt.

Why, the current one of course! Honda and Mitsu have been good. But not at the moment. I know you guys are frothing over a Type R, I’ll believe it when I see it!

List of least exciting car manufacturers:

I’d love to see that I really would. I hope I don’t miss it! Make sure Jalopnik covers it to some extent!

This is amazing, pls post on oppositelock when it comes

Shameless plug: spotted one of these bad boys recently, pix here:

That last photo reminds me very much of when TG took a Murcie through the Dubai sands

I’m with the hordes: stop using the radio, it’s shit.

Awesome. I was waiting for it to end on “You do not need this want it”. But they didn’t go there. And they didn’t need to.