
Can’t wait for him to skip other ‘staged events’ like laying wreaths at Arlington. Wonder how the trumpettes will spin that one.

It’s a tedious attention, about signing bills and and hosting state dinners.

There once was a fool from Manhattan

Well said.

Hate ‘em all, but I kind of feel more confident about our ability as a nation to overcome the threat posed by weaselly obstructionists than by actual nazis.

That means Eddie Munster/Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are joining with amphibian Mitch McConnell to create a megazord of dismantling destruction.

I hope it kills him. With pain.

Donald Trump managed to parlay an existing family fortune and his father’s network of connections into a successful real estate empire and a larger family fortune, which he nearly lost due to his own mismanagement. He undoubtedly has some business talent which he displayed in the 70's and 80's. But he also

There once was a fool from Manhattan... (someone else can finish the limerick, it’s tricky because nothing rhymes with orange).

‘Lewandowski called volunteer efforts by previous presidents “platitudes,” adding, “Donald Trump wants to bring jobs back so we don’t have soup kitchens. He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”’

Pence is taking every opportunity to act more “Presidential” in public. I think the plan is to position himself as the Good Guy for when the Pumpkin-in-Chief gets impeached.

Every time I see his face, I’m reminded of the way he spoke to Van Jones on Election Night and wonder why Van didn’t punch this guy in the face. And then I remember he’s a gentleman and a much better person than I ever am.

Currently imagining Michael Scott in Times Square.

STFU Lewandowski. You putrid little creep.

“It has rubbed me the wrong way to hear I have to listen to them but I will not be extended the same respect. I already am forced to listen to them.”

I live around people who voted for Trump and I know many of them will not want to listen to me. I’m an American Indian woman with a Hispanic last name. I’m also well educated and a feminist. There are so many things I am that is wrong to them.

Trump supporters have been interviewed about why they were voting for him.

What is there worth trying to understand and engage with about people who, at best, have signaled they are okay with racism and bigotry?

America spends most of it’s time eating the ass of Trump voters and have for some time. Just look at our election cycle, it begins in Iowa and New Hampshire (the Iowa of the NE)... White flyover state voters have a higher median income than “liberal enclave voters” and nearly every cable channel is devoted to the

I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.