
Wait, if Bill O’Really’s just an entertainer, why is his show called No Spin Zone? Could he be lying about something?

This is a great explanation that I find very on point. In addition, it means they have to question if they actually deserved all the things they have.

It seems to me that many white men find the idea of privilege to be offensive to their sense of fairness. If you’re taught implicitly by society that everything goes both ways and everyone is created equal... and you just happen to dominate as a group, the suggestion that you are benefiting from conditions that you

White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.

They’re mad because they don’t realize they already have their own. As in, society was built to favor them.

Suffered is a strong word in this case, my friend.

Ah yes, the Stepford School of Reporting.

I call bullshit. Everyone knows that the only real ethnic slur for a white person is “racist.”

At least MSNBC has Maddow and Hayes. They are a nice counterbalance to the Lawrence O’Donnell “Look At Me, I’m Lawrence O’Donnell” Show and the Giant Shouting Head.

Keep in mind, these are the same people that mock the concept of triggering and safe spaces. The people that go on television and break down in tears over “No, the white guy right there.” They mock triggering and safe spaces.

She’s the Jango Fett of cable news. Tomi Lahren will take over the family business as head mercenary for the empire soon enough.

You’re crazy if you think they told a woman the secrets.

Seriously. I can see going from regular network to shedding your skin and becoming a hard conservative. But the other direction? This will be an interesting transformation. I won’t be watching it but... anyway.

Nah. You probably just have to be a woman in proximity who isn’t a doormat for these guys to hate you. Kelly is still garbage.

Fuck FoxNews and fuck Hannity and O’Reilly.

Megyn Kelly is still a villain and a despicable human being.

If Bill O’Reilly hates you you have to be doing something right.

A friend just this morning told me about a dad at Disney World who was refusing to buy his kid a keychain because it “was a girl keychain.” When he saw the look she gave him he added “plus you don’t even have keys.”

Exactly. I mean this is the same guy who checked out a ten-year-old and said he’d be dating her in ten years. The odds of him trying something are extremely high.

Not for nuthin’ but the Rockette’s high kicks will sure look a lot like Nazi soldier goose stepping parades in pictures. They should rethink this.