
Cuomo has a counterpart in IL in Rahm Emanuel. Both are assholes and need to be replaced with better progressive democrats in their next elections.

nope democrat pretty much covers it

If you’re not looking back, may I suggest you look forward? Get involved on the local level, run for city council or school board, or get involved in the campaign of someone who you respect on the local level. If you feel voting is unproductive, there are other ways to be involved and make a difference in politics.

I’ve always thought he had the face of a crook, like he was pulled right out of central casting to play a corrupt politician.

Cuomo is the most disappointing politician in decades. I expect this kind of power-grab nonsense from Louisiana Republicans, not NY Dems.

Most New Yorkers already knew this, and yet voted him as governor twice because of the Cuomo name. I may not have agreed with everything his father said or did, but I always saw him as an honorable man. That part did not rub off on his son.

“Fuck You”

Once you make just a tiny hole in the bottle, the pressure equalizes so he would be able to pull it out.

He gets put in in the closing seconds of a fucking blowout. It’s a pointless move meant to make a shitty player feel better. Or it’s a condescending move.

Presented under the Adequate Man banner?   Screamer would seem more apt.

So we could say he...

Pretty awesome when someone is able to live their life long dream, even for 8 seconds, especially when I’m sure at his age, he thought his dream was over.

Nah, Rudy sucks and was clearly offsides. Also, Joe Montana said it was all a huge sarcastic joke by the other players. Fuck Rudy.

Or that he sucks, as in, “wasn’t any good.” GTech or whoever they were playing let him sack the QB, and he was carried off the field as a joke.

“In 2011, Ruettiger was charged with security fraud by the SEC, for participating in a pump-and-dump scheme. Settlement of the case required Ruettiger to pay $382,866 in fines, though he was not required to admit guilt.”

That’s an awesome move by the coach to get him some playing time, even if it was only for eight seconds.

*slow clap*