
Let’s not get all misty about Susan Collins. She voted against equal pay. She has a B+ rating from the NRA. She’s not as terrible as some Republicans, but she’s still pretty terrible.

She didn’t stay silent. She was speaking up against him back during the primaries, but she stopped just short of saying she wouldn’t endorse (although my impression of her comments then was that they boiled down to, “Not a chance in hell, unless he has a personality transplant”). Now she’s categorically announcing

But what’s really going to differentiate the Republicans from this third party? How can you have another party who’s philosophy is “Everything he said, but HARDER”?

Longer than that, Trump is the natural evolution of the Southern Strategy.

Yes I know, but it kind of annoys me that only the swimming is being shown live and in it’s entirety on TV while you either have to watch the live stream online or wait for the butchered replays on tv at awkward hours for other sports. One could argue that men’s gymnastics takes too long to show live on tv, but I

Yes but what is her husband doing?

NBC has the worst commentators. They have to turn Missy Franklin into a sob story. They tried to do it to Gabby Douglas in gymnastics and she fortunately didn’t give them what they were fishing for. Al whatever is last name is, should have been fired for his comments about Simone Biles’ parents.

That’s what stuns me so much about this election. The sheer number of Republicans who seem gob smacked by Trump and his followers. Why? How? 8 years ago they accepted the Tea Party with open arms. They voted in the Bachman’s, the Cruz’s and the Huckabee’s of the country. The Jindal’s and the Walker’s. Every one of

I can understand how Piers would be confused that someone might have integrity for their job, given that he has none for his.

Is anyone else getting a tiny bit annoyed at how much nonstop coverage NBC gives swimming? 2 straight hours of it tonight. All I wanted to watch was Men’s diving, which they chopped into bits, and Men’s gymnastics, which they just started showing at nearly midnight. Swimming is nice, but the Olympics are about more

From what I understand (which is hard to do when following Piers Morgan’s train of thought) that he’s upset about how rude it was for King to call out the Russian because every athlete dopes. Except, he didn’t understand the part where Lilly King was throwing shade because she doesn’t dope, doesn’t need to dope and

But Susan, your party helped build this creature. Now you want to disown him? Cause and effect, lady. Y’all built it. Now you’re not gonna fuck it? Now it’s a contest to see who is the more “moral” Republican. You fuckers never make a lick of sense. That’s why you’re like flypaper for all of the racist rednecks of our

Piers makes my head hurt. Did Lilly King dope? No. Did she make excuses for anyone else? Nope. Then, there's no goddamn hypocrisy.

I hope she struts around whistling “The Farmer in the Dell” for the rest of the Olympics

“If you come at the (Lilly)King

This is reminiscent of the way that Korean business owners rallied around Soon Ja Du after she shot Latasha Harlins in the back. Introspection? What the hell is that? It’s everybody else’s fault!

That’s one of my Dad’s favorite movies. He took me to see it. He died in 2004. WAAAAAH. Best. Man. Ever. He liked chick movies. He liked chicks. For real: liked and respected. Ruined for “average” guys, I am.

This made my tear up a tiny bit because the death of parents is an incredibly difficult thing. But also my cynical heart finds this super weird. I can’t imagine getting to know a stranger who got a relative’s organ. Let alone asking someone I’ve never met to walk me down the isle because they have the organ of someone

Nicholas Sparks is at this very moment bringing a lawsuit against the wedding planner for intellectual property infringement, claiming this was “future” intellectual property.