
Def not down with the title “Botched by Nature”; people with congenital or other disorders are not fried eggs where the yolk broke. Jesus. They’re people, doing their thing like everyone does.

No he didn’t take more vacation days or golf more than other presidents. Where is your proof???

that vacation days one is seriously baffling to me. did everyone just black GWB’s ranch from their minds???

People actually claim Obama spent more time on vacation than professional ranch landscaper George W Bush?

I wish we stigmatized rape and abuse from a young age the way we do drugs. Can we get a D.A.R.E program for assault FFS?

He’s definitely raised the bar. Sure, he isn’t perfect (drones come to mind), but imagine how much he would have accomplished if the Republicans (and some Democrats) hadn’t fucked him (and us) over. And how much he did accomplish even with that constant roadblock.

I’m trying to hold on to this feeling because I don’t know how long it’ll be until I can feel proud of our president again. I already miss Obama guys.

And these are only the incidents that we hear about, because they happen to media-savvy people with access to publicity. Imagine how many times it happens that we never hear about.

Roger sounds like a whiny, overstepping bitch.

Not to be that person, but most of the definitions people have provided you for neo-liberal are wrong. Neo-liberalism is a resurgence of laissez-fair economics, or a belief that the free market solves all. When someone is called a Neoliberal, you can bet that they are spouting off talking points that would make Regan

When he was growing up you could legally rape your wife, and no one said anything if you slapped her around a bit for burning your dinner.

At this point, The Simpson are more culturally relevant than Eastwood and Esquire put together.

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

Welp, that tears it for me. Not another dime from me for ‘Sully’ or any of his older movies ever again. The empty chair bullshit was the opening act, that jingoistic, racist claptrap called ‘American Sniper’ was the comedian, and this is the main event. He can give as many racist speeches as he likes to the empty

“When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

He was in his 30s during the Civil Rights era of the ‘60s. He’s about 10+ years too young to be able to get away with that bullshit “back in my day” crap — which really means: We white guys used to be able to get away with treating everyone else like dogshit and they weren’t allowed to complain about it. Wahwahwah,

Why does this television only get one channel?

So we’re “pussies” for rejecting racism in favor of “political correctness” yet he still tempers his statements with “...I can understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t always agree with it.” He says something racist then walks it back a little. It’s tiring, just be the racist old man we all know you are.

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.