
I didn’t think about that, but you’re right. I remember Spy being treated as a flop when it came out. It ultimately grossed twice its budget in the US alone.

This happens with every movie Melissa McCarthy makes. She’s had nothing but hits for the past five years, but every time she makes a movie the headlines always go “is Melissa McCarthy’s career doomed?”

Perhaps you would like to purchase one of my patented, sexy Ghostbustiers? It’s a bustier. With ghosts on it.

Holtz’ rubber boots seemed very practical considering all the electrical energy they were throwing around? Who’s a nut now, y’all?

I wanted to see it, I saw it, and I loved it. And I didn’t feel emasculated by seeing a bunch of women busting ghosts. I just checked and my testicles are right where I left them down there.

The reaction is such sexist bullshit. It made the most money of any live-action comedy this year, outgrossed expectations, got 76% positive on Rotten Tomatoes — and it’s still a disappointment because, I dunno, it didn’t cure cancer and earn $100 million overnight.

Oh you R funny! They didn’t say that BUT thats what you feel isn’t it? It justifies your pouting to think that.

Hey, man, don’t worry! There’s someone for you to identify with in the film! The antagonist (I mean, you can’t really call him a “bad guy” because he’s really just a sensitive individual pushed into action by the circumstances of his life and really just misunderstood —actually is it possible “anti-hero” is a better

Did you notice the bust in the hallway outside if Wiig’s office at Columbia? :)

Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(

And they wore clothes that covered body parts. Fighting with clothes on.

*jerk off motion*

All the cameos made me so happy. I don’t know if you stayed through the credits, but at the end, it said, “For Harold Ramis,” and I let out an “awwwwww!”

I saw it twice, and loved it BOTH TIMES. I want to marry Kate McKinnon. Every line she had made me crack up, especially the, “I can think of seven good uses for a cadaver TO-DAY,” exchange.

She was AMAZING.

Saw it. Loved it. Kate McKinnon is a treasure.

Ghostbusters was SO GOOD! During the big final battle scene, there’s a shot of Kate McKinnon running in slo-mo toward a bunch of ghosts, guns drawn, and the Ghostbusters theme song is blasting while she does it. For the first time in my life, I felt what I imagine little boys feel at superhero movies. “That could be

I saw it and it was so fun and everyone should go see it kbye

My wife and I saw Ghostbusters. I think I liked it more than she did. Solid summertime flick.

Only a rich person could possible come up with this. I have never been anywhere with matching beach towels. All of the beach towels my family owns are random gaudy things from vacations in the 80s.