
omg the woman in the purple top

One day Jen is going to give birth to an elderly man and then all the doubters are going to look soooo stupid.

I worked with him once right after he won project runway. He was the most polite kid, very professional and fun at the same time. I enjoy this story very much. (And obviously... /brag)

Because Freedom Eagle 9/11 ‘Merica.

Ugh. Welcome to America, where children are treated as property and accessories to a lifestyle, rather than goddamn human beings. I bet you a dollar she was anti-abortion too.


I’ve been listening through the archives of the Nerdist podcast, which he started in 2010, before his second wind of fame and it’s been fascinating to listen to as he gets more and more famous in real life, but stays the same on the podcast. I just listened to an episode right after he bought himself a Jaguar, and the

YES! I love him. Christian has had plus size ladies backs for a while. (see Nicole Mason’s wedding dress.) He knows how to design clothes for all human bodies.

Unfair Christy died because she deserved to live with this.

I truly love how much Christian Siriano hates snobs and how successful he is at being inclusive of different body types/price points.

In visual form, and with an equivalent shrug:

Check that fame-privilege! whining, entitlement does NOT look good on you

Leslie Jones, making white dudes uncomfortable since 1998.


Now playing

I just gotta say, I LOVE her new ad campaign. <3

I demand a buddy comedy starring Jones and Siriano as roommates waiting out the zombie apocalypse.


“I see you, car.” I fucking love her.

Jake Plummer > Peyton Manning (from a Broncos fan).

Well looks like I have a new favorite Plummer in the NFL (Sorry, Tomsula).