
Ok, who is going to tell Pete Sessions that there are people who are both gay and latino?

Honestly, celebrating until 5am after you win ALL THE TONYS doesn’t seem that extreme to me. The people standing 5 rows deep at the party to “stare at Lin-Manuel Miranda” is a bit disturbing, though.

I live in a kid-friendly neighborhood. My neighbor has a gun and acts like he’s the most godly-ist person around. Keeps his house and yard spic and span, pays his bills, helps neighbors, all around good guy, etc.

I’m probably being that obnoxious person but diet /= starvation. It doesn’t necessarily even mean eating less food (by volume or weight). Just eating food that is much less calories dense.

I really connect with the part about the judge clearly not accepting the jury’s findings. The judge’s whole argument for the sentence was a fallacy.

Mind you:

The fact that “responsible gun enthusiasts” - especially the owners/managers of a gun shop who are supposed to be the goodest, most responsibleist, and most level-headed of all the gun tribe - enthusiastically market a weapon that’s just been instrumental in the deaths of 50 civilians in a non-combat zone reeaaallly

“But-but lady, your freedoms”

Oh, he’s probably the wor$$$$$$t

Glad to see the sudden fame and success Leo has achieved since breaking through in his Oscar winning role in the Revenant hasn’t fundamentally changed who he is. Got to keep true to yourself and never let Hollywood change you.

I find that I am completely ok with demonising this particular parent for trying to get his rapist spawn off with a slap on the wrist.

But guys, Brock does not enjoy eating steaks and pretzels anymore! Hasn’t he been punished enough???

Ugh. I’m going back to bed.

The real question is what will Phol Kessol do?

Between Trump and Roethlisberger you're going to have to be more specific.

Big gray dick won't endorse big orange dick.

Even a rapist has to draw the line somewhere.