
Yeah, being a good guy is stepping up and stopping a rape, not “I totally could have raped her, but I didn’t.”

I honestly never would have known about it except we were watching a movie that depicted a sexual assault in detail, and he just burst into tears.

Aww man, and they had to go and look all dreamy too!

She’s incredibly eloquent. I felt almost bad for being so blown away by her words, as, well, the words shouldn’t be the point. A less eloquent person would still have been just as raped. Still, her statement shows the power words can have.

For what it’s worth, Arndt and Jonsson are Swedish. While the US is the worlds most individualistic country, Sweden doesn’t lag far behind, often ranking in the top five most individualistic countries. Being Swedish myself, I would say that we are perhaps more inclined to step in when a crime occurs not because of

I have a friend who stopped a sexual assault, and he says it’s a difficult thing to for him to deal with (though far less difficult than for the actual victim, of course). While he knows he did the right thing and did the best he could, he just wishes so badly that he could have entered the room just a few minutes

In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

These are good men

But, but HIS life was ruined.

The final scene of Homer looking up at the stars after she goes always gets me.

I feel so strongly for these men. In her letter she writes that one of them was so overcome with tears that he could hardly speak after he found her. It’s clear that they experienced a lot of heartache during this process themselves.

The mothers of these two men must be so proud of them.

Seriously, these guys are amazing. Unfortunately because of some psychological reasoning or whatever, people aren’t inclined to help others. But these guys did and they truly are heroes for it.

Wait, this is the same person?

I love that scene. I love you.

“Little oysters! Little oysters!” but answer, there came none. And this was scarcely odd because...

But how horny was he afterwards?

How is this entertaining to anybody? Who wants to watch the lives of small children being fucked up? I can kind of understand the schadenfreude of watching full grown adults fucking up their lives on camera, kind of, but the lives of small children? That’s entertainment? Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long

WAT. That is crazy.