
Exactly. A judge’s ruling means nothing in this context. The ladies are vastly underpaid. They should, as a group say in a press conference: We are not boarding a plane to the Olympics until we receive equal or better (better; they are world class players; the men? Not so much) pay than our fellow male soccer players.

Or play at 62% effort level, since they make 62% of what their male counterparts do.

So. Strike anyway.

Don’t forget the 24 year-old teacher tied to a cinder block at the bottom of a pond:

On top of that, there was the guy in South Korea who stabbed a woman because he said women ignored him. He waited 40 minutes for a woman to show up in the restroom and then stabbed her to death. Incidentally, he didn’t bother wearing a dress to hide in there. It’s almost like you wouldn’t need to.

Poor guy. But Legal Aide Society lawyers are underpaid and under-staffed—-I don’t think suing them is the answer.

Incredibly impressive for a mainstream local media outlet (a Waco CBS affiliate) to press on these issues when a lot the community would love to buy-in to Baylor and Starr’s bullshit. Of course, the failed cover-up makes the original true-ish answer look all the worse.

I bet a hundred bucks some team owner in the NFL can look past all that.

Re: “I’ve got daughters”

Seriously great work, or as Trump would put it, those reporters are sleazy.

Plus, his prayers are with them, so you know, it’s all good.

Does Briles not realize that it is impossible for him to be exonerated at this point? Even if it came out that he didn’t know or direct anything personally, it still means he didn’t know that members of his coaching staff were contacting victims, downplaying assaults, and obstructing investigations. He was either

Seriously, this should be taught in journalism schools. Perfectly edited and exactly the right way to deal with manipulative interviewees.

If her previous career was representing Republican politicians, she’s probably used to actually getting away with it.

I bet she’s managed to bully a few news teams in the past.

Bravo to KWTX!

Taylor strikes me as the kind of girl that has a Pinterest page for her wedding all ready to go. She updates it about once a month. She also probably had her life events mapped out by age: Married by 27, first kid at 29 then second at 31 1/2 etc...

Super Bowl 36. Pats over Rams. Pats would never have become the dynasty that they are. They would have remained in relative obscurity, still overshadowed by the Bruins, Red Sox and Celtics.