
I 100% agree that alcoholism destroys lives but am not comfortable with the idea that alcoholism is a cause and not just a factor of his abusiveness; plenty of people are abusive without taking a sip of liquor and I suspect Johnny would have the same problem too.

Paul Bettanny is defending Johnny. This needs to be a separate post. I’ve been raging non-stop about thia because I’m tired of the mental gymnastics people would rather do before accepting that their beloved celebrity hit his wife. This is the problem with celebrity worship. We put these people on pedestals and it’s

I love Andy Richter. Loved his series, which should have been hits. And he fucking slayed when he was on Celebrity Jeopardy.

Mickey should butt out considering his history of personal relationships. I am sure Carre Otis would have something to say about that.

This conversation is easier to start in Depp’s case because in the last decade or so, aside from the Pirates movies, he’s become one of the biggest money-losing movie stars, if not the biggest.

too much to lose. too many professional bridges to burn. fanbase or no.

I think JD has been an alcoholic, violent mess for decades. There are rumors of the same behavior waaaaaay back when he was dating Kate Moss and Winona Ryder.

At least there is a chance that we’ve seen the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

I love Andy Richter on Twitter, and NOT just because he liked one of my tweets.

I love it when guys defend other guys by talking about *their* own friendship as evidence for why the guy must not have beaten his female partner. It’s like white guys saying “my white friend has always been great to me, there’s no way he’s racist!!”

*frantically googles “Winona Ryder + shot + Johnny Depp”*

It takes balls to stand up to one of Hollywood’s megastars.

just want to say....

He’s gross. He’s been gross for a LONG time. Alright, so a boozer and a wife beater, I’ll add that to the list. But the thing that always turned me off about him is how accessorized he is. Like, look at any public appearance, and he’s always wearing layers of clothing and perfectly sculpted to appear unsculpted facial

I still enjoyed the first Pirates movie, though.

No surprise here. In my experience with abusive relationships alcohol was always a factor. I’m glad Amber is getting out, and I hope she gets the help she needs to heal. I can’t imagine having to do all that under such public scrutiny. What a brave young woman. My heart goes out to her.

Don’t ever feel bad about not knowing white supremacist code.

probably a Hitler reference, actually

I assume the number 88 is his birth year so it’s not a kid who got shamed into deleting his account. It was a grown man.

As a fairly recent alumni of Baylor, I am glad this is all finally coming to light. I do wish they would have had the balls to fire Ken Starr, because I feel he is as responsible for all this as Art Briles. Ken Starr took over as president my 2nd year and it felt like over night everything shifted to trying to get