
Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

Personally I think more Americans should be disqualified from jobs based on prior behavior that didn’t amount to a crime.

Then again it’s Chicago so there are plenty of other bullets to be dodged.

Buying a team with Michael Jordan on it got him 6. Non MJ teams have won one. Reinsdorf has always been a joke, but with Mike on the team it wasn't so obvious.

Promotion: First 10,000 Rockies fans get Dingers on their cars!

Came for multi-paragraph rant from overly sensitive Cardinals fan. Was not disappointed.

St Louis Cardinals - The Most Defensive Fans in Baseball

You’ve got some kind of selective memory.


Jesus Christ there may be no more insufferably, inexplicably defensive fans than Baltimore fans. Shut the fuck up.

Luckily for him, he's not an NFL player anymore.

For reference:

“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department

Still not the worst beating suffered by a Ventura on the mound.

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

*Reads comments*

Ok every single one of you in the comments, just get out. I don’t want to hear no shit, just go

*Jumps in front of bus*

Proving that no one has more experience handling foul balls than an old Athletic supporter.


“Few people seem to care about our sport. What’s the move here?”