
Good question. The TV I bought is about 4 years old had had all the apps installed. However, over time the manufacturer quit providing updates for the apps. What this means is either some apps like Prime would just quit working altogether, or others like Hulu would continuously stall out. I ended up buying the Fire

Well, yes but nobody’s dying from lack of internet access - they are dying from lack of sanitation though.

Miata is always the answer. Particularly if you're talking about a 1.6L NA like mine.

Sunday night, my co-worker calls, begging me not to press charges against her son.”

Actually, the excerpt was my idea, and we paid to run it.

He may be doing some writing for Jalopnik in the near future. Stay tuned!

“If you use slime or foam on the tire please let your tire tech know and apologize.”

AAA is not a replacement for a spare tire” - Tell that to the people at auto manufactures who decided to stop including spare tires in lieu of a can of tire slime, an air pump and roadside assistance. $300 add on for a spare tire grumble grumble grumble.

what girls don’t realize is that at that moment, they could look at you the wrong way and you’ll blow your load. All it takes is the slightest twitch to send you over the edge. You can’t control that.

While I realize Lifehacker gets revenue from endorsing every cool toy under the sun, I recommend reading some John Muir and taking a lesson from his 1-2 week hikes out of Yosemite valley, doing first ascents of some major peaks, with a wool shirt, a knife, and very little else. I think you have quite a bit more

My worst track day was about a month before Christmas a few years ago. I had it all planned out, it would be an epic day for me and my then 8 year old son. First, I’d head to Toy’s R’ Us and pick up this little gem.

While you’re right about salt being pointless to change the boiling point, they aren’t saying it lowers the boiling point, it raises it so that once it boils it’s at a higher temp thus food cooks faster, although it will take longer for the water to boil.

lets be fair, not many would kick her out of their room today either.

Everyone loves to hate on her but in the early 90s we all wanted to throw our dicks in her direction

Not sure if I’d make that assumption. I worked at a company that used similar switches and they always purchased finished cables in varying lengths. When you are connecting that many cables, it takes forever to terminate them yourself.

Vacuum tubes are still very much a relevant tech today...

OK...but that doesn’t change the fact that this would still melt well before the temperatures at the center of the Earth...

Volvo 240.